Being the best you online defines reputation as “the estimation in which a person or thing is held, especially by the community or the public generally.” Everyone has a reputation, good or bad, and it can be hard to change.  Now that the world has gone digital it’s important to remember to maintain your online reputation as it is your in person reputation. 

Many employers check facebooks, instagrams, twitter accounts, etc. before you are hired.  Taking 20 minutes to search yourself and review your accounts can you give a better idea of what others see and how to combat bots, and fake accounts.

I recommend the article, Need to rescue your online reputation? here is what you can do from the Business Coaching Journal.

Some of their recommendations include, being honest and doing your best. From this article, a celebrity photographer Joe Alvarez describes having had bad publicity, but says “Each client deserves your best… each time.” No matter what happened in the past or what others may say about you, you need to prove yourself as the best every time. Another suggestion was educating others, take your bad reputation into a success story and considering finding a panel to share on, or even being a motivational speaker. Turning your bad experience into something good, will improve your credibility while helping others.

Read How to reinvent your online reputation for the newyear. This article encourages being an influencer for yourself and providing customer care. The better you can connect with customers the easier it is, to showcase that you have a good reputation. Dr. Freberg always says, “You are your best PR person.” No one knows you better then you know yourself, do not be afraid to showcase that.

Frobes did a story on the cost of online clean up, Is Online Reputation Management Worth The Money? The question becomes, is it? How much is your reputation truly worth to you? Your job? Your future? In the article, it stated a site called Brandyourself. Some services cost up to $1,000! However, the article went on to showcase DIY ways to follow your reputation. Including set up google alerts about your name, claiming your profiles such as on twitter and creating positive content, so when others search your name they see positivity.

I found these suggestions helpful! What do you think? What else can be done to be the best you online?